Sunday, March 31, 2013

Equality For Whom?

I've been seeing people all over Twitter and Facebook, showing their support for gay marriage by posting the red equal sign. I am going to post two feet. The feet represent the millions who never get to breathe the air of this world. Who never feel love let alone get married. Those who never have the chance to have children or go to school or do anything many gays are afforded the privilege to do. They are never given this chance because a human decides that their life is unimportant because of a defect or being an inopportune time for the person who conceived them. This is for the millions of children aborted yearly. Talk about rights being denied.

So I don't want to hear anymore crying for things you cannot afford or force people to give you through executive and congressional orders. I don't want to hear about how the government should recognize your union. You know why? Because you can survive without that, or get by on a reasonable facsimile. Because in the end, the greatest tragedy never recognized by the spoiled, self centered brats of this country, is that MILLIONS are DENIED the RIGHT to LIFE!!! Is anyone systematically murdering you because you are an inconvenience to them or you aren't perfect in their eyes? No?


If you are going to make your fight for whatever, valid with me, you better give equal time, fighting for the right for innocents to live.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can Good Friday and Easter Rock? Yes!

I am super stoked for both Good Friday and Easter this year. Why? Because we have the most dynamic pastor ever! Listening to him speak brings the word alive. He speaks with an energy, enthusiasm and emotion that is evidence of his trust and absolute belief in what he is speaking. There have been numerous times when I have felt God's presence and the Holy Spirit when he is delivering his message. So, to hear him speak for Good Friday and Easter Service is going to be even more exciting because it is always an outreach to the lost. There is more fervor and passion when winning souls. It fires me up to continue to witness and try to get people into the church.

Now, why are these two events going to rock? Thousand Foot Krutch is going to be headlining the Good Friday event and Phil Wickham will be there for Easter. Amazing artists that will deliver powerful performances. I can't wait! If you are local, come! You will not be disappointed, and who can pass up a free concert??? If you aren't local, you can join us live (the events will be archived later as well) online. Good Friday will be through the Skull Church website and Easter through the Fresh Life Church website. Do NOT miss this!

Watch this promo to see what you are looking forward to!...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Passover: Celebrating With God's People

As a Christian, who holds God's people deeply in my heart, I have always stood in support of Israel. Anyone with any reading skills, knows that history supports Israel as well. Only those who are blind, deaf and dumb, either physically, spiritually or politically (or all three at once), would argue against the fact that Israel is a peaceful nation, who gives an open and accepting place to live for people who would otherwise be shunned (at the least), or outright murdered for their beliefs or desire for basic freedoms. I am always shocked and utterly confused by Hollywood's staunch support of the Palestinian conflict and terrorist activities when all of Hollywood would be put to the sword for their lifestyles and beliefs... heck, just for the clothes they wear (women).

All that aside, I have grown to love the Hebrew people more and more. My heart goes out to them, for all they have had to endure, and continue to in this time, when there shouldn't be such ugliness for one reason only: Being Jewish.

Well, this year, I am going to attempt to celebrate Passover with my family. I am working out my shopping list for the seder meal and have already discussed the meaning behind much of the symbolism with my children, who are eager to take part. One cute thing worth mentioning... We have the board game Risk, and my children like to take it out, and surround Israel with defending troops and block them from their enemies.

So, I searched online for anything that would help me understand better, the beautiful ritual and how to perform it with reverence. I found the following websites VERY helpful and I think I'll be able to pull it off:

What Is A Seder?

I cannot afford it this year, but perhaps I will be able to save up and have a special Passover set so that we can do this again (in style) the following year. If you are interested, I found some beautiful pieces and an entire set here: Jews For Jesus Store - Everything you need for the Passover

I have made matzo ball soup, and have posted the recipe on this blog (Meichel for the Beichel). I know I'll be making that for the dinner as well. I'm excited to do this and truly will speak with hope in my heart, at the end of the meal, "Next year in Israel!" and be praying for the new Jerusalem to come quickly!

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Baby #3 No Longer A Baby...

"Lookit mah button!"
My feisty and independent little ham, Lachlan, turns 3 years old today. He is a challenging little sprite who is mischievous and wild, but a total sweetheart who loves his dog (and she loves him like her own puppy) and keeps me on my toes.

"Zoom Zoom!"
He loves constructions rigs. Specifically "diggers" and dump trucks. He loves trains, especially the train table at the Kalispell Library. He is a daddy's boy all the way and will happily spend hours tinkering around with daddy at the shop. His eyes light up when he hears the 4wheeler start up and he squeals with abandon when riding with daddy.

His brothers adore him, though not when he destroys their lego creations. They sneak him treats, take him on adventures outside, and cuddle with him during movies. Lachlan and Russell (1st born) have a special connection. He has thrown himself between Russell and Connor (2nd born) when they've fought and cries, "Don't hit my Susso!!"

Unimpressed with the Interloper
Lachlan, initially unsure of the new baby, has just begun to bond with Brennen, and will bring him toys, and retrieve his pacifier when it is dropped (Mom! Brennen's nuk!). He was tickled to realize Brennen is a boy, while supervising a diaper change: "Mom, look! Brennen has a baby peepee!" then laughs maniacally.

My third son, who was a joy to bring into this world, and has been so fun to watch grow and become a silly upstart of a little boy. With all your endearing quirks and zeal for life, I am so blessed to be your mother and thank God for your precious soul! On this happy anniversary of the day you were born... Today, we salute you!

Happy Birthday Lachlan!

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