Saturday, November 19, 2005

In The Beginning

Wow, so this is my first entry in my very own blog. I have a blog for my family, but this is just for me. I will try to have interesting links and recipes to hopefully hold your attention.

I am a mother of two young boys (currently 27mos and 16mos), so I am very busy and struggling to get rid of the baby weight. If I have any epiphanies on how to lose weight that seem to work, I will gladly share them with you. If there are any moms who have any ideas, PLEASE share! I will have an area for that as well.

I live with my family in Alaska. It is a unique life to live in a fishing village, on an island. A lot of my rants may be about the hurdles of thriving in a small community with more in-laws than friends. I grew up in Montana and my husband was born and raised in this town. I may rant about the dreaded MIL from time to time, but I assure you, I would never commit homicide... Unless it was completely justified. ha!

My husband is trying to transition from being a commercial fisherman from the time he was 13 yrs old. Right now he is helping my dad renovate and repair my parents' home. He is a very handy man. I am always impressed with his carpentry skills even though he has had no formal training.

I have just gotten my first job in three years. I work at a interior decorating store that has all kinds of nice serving plates and bowls, jewelry, art and the owner has agreed to apprentice me in matting and framing art. Granted, it is only a few days a week, but if you are a mommy, you know how hard it is to leave your babies. Luckily, my mom is off from her job on the days I work so the transition was very easy for them. The first day I worked, when I got home, my youngest scurried over to me and babbled away as if to tell me all about his day with "Gamma". My oldest ran up to me and yelled, "Mommy home!" and proceeded to tell me how he had helped his "Gampa" fix things. It was a wonderful feeling.

Well, that is me and my life in a nutshell. I hope I can keep this up. I figured it would be therapy to be able to anonymously post how I feel about my life as a mom and wife. IF you have honest good advice I welcome it. If you are a scuzzy blogger abuser who likes to insult and demean people for your own pleasure, don't bother. I am unimpressed by the soul sewage of bottom feeders such as yourself. Other than that, I hope all find something they enjoy about my blog. TTFN!

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