Devilishly Delish Deviled Eggs
10 eggs (boiled per the instructions below)
4 oz. cream cheese
3 tbsp. sour cream
2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
3 tbsp. onion, minced
3 dashes Tabasco sauce
3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
milk (explanation below)
salt and pepper to taste
smoked paprika for garnish and flavor!
Boiling Eggs (most important!)
- Make sure your eggs are at room temperature. Otherwise, the shell will split once you lower them into the boiling water, and you'll have egg white leaking from the shell.
- For boiling 10 eggs: after you bring a large pot of water to boil, lower your eggs into it using a soup spoon. Then set your kitchen timer for 10 minutes.
- After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let the eggs sit in the water for 5 minutes. Then pour off the hot water and add COLD WATER to cover the eggs.
- After a few minutes, pour off this water and add more cold water. In about 8 minutes your eggs will be cool enough to handle, and they'll peel perfectly every time.
- For the boiled eggs: use a sharp knife and slice each boiled egg in half.
- Use a teaspoon to carefully scoop out the hard yolk, and place the yolks in a mixing bowl.
- Put the white halves onto your deviled egg platter.
2. Add salt and pepper to taste. (The mustard and Tabasco add a bit of bite, so add only a little salt at first, taste, then add more if necessary. It's easier putting salt in than it is taking it out!)
3. About that milk listed in the ingredients: add it in, a tablespoon at a time, until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Many people don't realize how important the texture is for making excellent deviled eggs. Think about it -- too many people make gummy deviled eggs. The best ones are creamy -- and adding the milk will give you this creamy consistency.
Easy Stuffing
- Spoon your yolk mixture into a quart freezer bag (not a sandwich bag, which isn't strong enough) then use scissors to snip off the corner. You only need to snip off a quarter inch.
Simply squeeze the stuffing out of the small hole in the quart bag into the egg white halves. This makes it easy to make really attractive deviled eggs.
- Sprinkle with paprika and voila!